
Engagierte und effiziente Beilegung von Streitigkeiten vor Gericht.

Globalisierung, Regulierung und ein kontinuierlich zunehmendes Tempo stellen Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen. Dasselbe gilt für Gerichtsverfahren. Auf uns können Sie zählen, wenn es darum geht, Ihre Interessen gerichtlich und aussergerichtlich zu verteidigen und Ihre Streitigkeiten schnell und effektiv beizulegen.

Unser Tätigkeitsbereich «Prozessführung» umfasst alle Bereiche des Gesellschafts- und Handelsrechts sowie die angrenzenden Rechtsgebiete. Dazu gehören insbesondere auch das Arbeitsrecht, das Trust- und Erbrecht und sämtliche konkursrechtlichen Verfahren.

Neben ordentlichen Zivilprozessen sind alle Vollstreckungs- und Massnahmeverfahren (Arrestverfahren und andere vorsorgliche Massnahmen), die Wiedererlangung entzogener Vermögenswerte (Asset Recovery) sowie die Vertretung in Verwaltungsverfahren fester Bestandteil unserer forensischen Tätigkeit. Wir vertreten unsere Klienten in internationalen Rechtshilfe- und Verwaltungsverfahren. Zudem verfügen wir über umfangreiche Erfahrung darin, unsere Klienten zu den schweizerischen Auswirkungen grenzüberschreitender Verfahren, einschliesslich von Prozessen, Mass Torts und Class Actions in den USA, zu beraten.

Wir vertreten Klienten vor allen Schweizer Gerichten und Verwaltungsbehörden. Unsere Ressourcen erlauben uns eine effiziente Betreuung aller Fälle, von Routinefällen bis hin zu grossen und komplexen internationalen Prozessen. Unsere Teams stellen wir in Absprache mit Ihnen und in Abhängigkeit von Ihren konkreten Anforderungen zusammen. Dabei können wir auf einen Pool von Praktikern und Spezialisten aus allen relevanten Rechtsbereichen zurückgreifen.

Recent Work Highlights

  • Representation of a multinational pharmaceutical company in administrative assistance proceedings in regulatory matters.
  • Assisting and advising a laboratory company on the market with regard to discriminatory competition measures.
  • Representation of a Middle Eastern entity in enforcement proceedings in Switzerland.
  • Attachment proceedings on behalf of major foreign industrial company against foreign debtor with assets in Switzerland.
  • Representation of a listed company in multiple court proceedings on interim measures originated by a proxy fight within a group of listed companies cross border Germany-Switzerland.
  • Representation of an international sport organization as harmed party in money laundering, fraud and criminal mismanagement investigations conducted by the Swiss Office of the Attorney General.
  • Assisting a Swiss bank related to complex cross-border document production requests from a U.S. authority.
  • Representation of a software manufacturer in state court in a dispute with a customer regarding an outsourcing project.
  • Representation of a Swiss company in litigation before the Zurich Commercial Court in connection with the transfer of more than 30 projects in the transportation industry.
  • Successful defense of a German company in set-aside proceedings before the Swiss Federal Supreme Court concerning an investment treaty arbitration.
  • Representation of an individual and coordination of an international team in a substantial inheritance case involving Spain, Italy, Greece and Liechtenstein.
  • Representation of a Swiss bank as harmed party in criminal proceedings in relation to large-scale embezzlement by a former asset manager.
  • Representing a state entity targeted in a cross-border civil litigation involving cultural heritage-related measures.
  • Represented an insurance company in successfully defending a claim for professional indemnity cover through two instances of appeal. The dispute raised key questions relating to the scope and application of an insurance policy and is currently before the highest Swiss court.
  • Representation of a German energy company in a dispute concerning the valuation of shares.
  • Advising of international general contractor with regard to a large construction project and representation in related court proceedings concerning builders' liens.
  • Successful enforcement of a Swedish arbitral award against an individual domiciled in Switzerland and representation of the client in debt collection proceedings.
  • Representation of a Swedish company against a Swiss company regarding post M&A representation and warranty claims.
  • Successful defense of majority shareholder of industrial company in tax litigation regarding hidden profit distribution allegations.
  • Enforcement of non-compete undertakings against former member of management by way of injunctive relief and successful defense of client's interests in ensuing criminal and civil proceedings.

A first class practice providing excellent service.

Legal 500 2017

Bär & Karrer's department is extremely responsive, demonstrates deep industry expertise and impresses us with very diligent work.

Chambers Global 2025

Bär & Karrer are client-focused and have a great amount of relevant work experience. The team are also able to grasp complex structures and cross-border dealings straight away.

Chambers Global 2025

I had a brilliant experience with Bär & Karrer. They are outstanding and it really is a top law firm. The department has top-notch individuals with great reputations and experience.

Chambers Global 2025

While having in-depth knowledge of the case and its complexities, the team provide us with actionable and pragmatic legal advice at every step of the process. They are also highly reliable.

Chambers Global 2025

Bär & Karrer's wealth of ideas was always great, which, together with their in-depth knowledge and experience, always led to a quick, solution-oriented approach.

Chambers Global 2025

Their response was prompt and timely, and they worked through all questions and issues on our cases.

Client in Chambers Europe 2022

We chose them because they are the best – they are a top law firm.

Client in Chambers 2021

The practice is composed of top-notch lawyers who are at their best working as a team in order to provide the best service possible.

Legal 500 2021

They are extremely responsive and detail-oriented.

Source in Chambers 2021

The collaboration between the teams is very good, making them a first choice “one stop shop” for complex disputes in all Swiss language regions.

Legal 500 2021

Impresses with its extraordinary teamwork.

Legal 500 2020

Hard-working, straightforward and diligent.

Source in Chambers Europe 2020

Every team player is an expert in their own highly educated and experienced way.

Legal 500 2020

Responsive, thoughtful, very thorough and able to turn things around in a short timeframe.

Interviewee in Chambers Europe 2020

A perfect mix of human and professional talents.

Legal 500 2020

Stellar bench that excels in all areas of dispute resolution, including sports arbitration.

Chambers Europe 2016

Highly regarded for M&A litigation, as well as for its in-depth knowledge of the pharmaceutical, chemicals, energy, and banking sectors.

Chambers Europe 2016

The firm offers the perfect package of quality, diversity and personal contact.

Chambers Europe 2016

They are responsive, resourceful and have great understanding of the different sensitivities in multi-jurisdictional cases.

Chambers Europe 2018

The rates are fair and we had a very positive experience.

Client in Chambers Europe 2016

Bär & Karrer's excellent team is very responsive, fast, efficient and always well prepared.

Legal 500 2016

A first class practice providing excellent service.

Legal 500 2017

Bär & Karrer's department is extremely responsive, demonstrates deep industry expertise and impresses us with very diligent work.

Chambers Global 2025

Team Members

Gelistet in Band 1

in Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500 und Leaders League 2023

Gelistet in Band 1

in Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500 und Leaders League 2023

Gelistet in Band 1

in Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500 und Leaders League 2023

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