Laenzlinger Andreas D.

Dr. Andreas D. Länzlinger

Very experienced in cross-border disputes.

Legal 500 2016

Outstanding, very quick on his feet, an excellent lawyer and a great strategist.

Source in Chambers Global 2022

Andreas Länzlinger brought his many years of international experience in dealing with financial markets and banking issues.

Client in Legal 500, 2022

Very well known and respected.

Source in Chambers Europe 2021

Works extremely efficiently in a team and produces excellent results with his other employees.

Legal 500 2021

Gives good advice and has a lot of experience in investigations against banks.

Client in Chambers Global 2020

Overall excellent lawyer with great experience.

Who's Who Legal 2019


Who's Who Legal 2019

The go to person for large and complex matters.

Who is Who Legal Litigation 2018

At the very top in investigations and criminal matters.

Who's Who Legal Investigations 2018

Certainly belongs on any list of leading practitioners.

Peers in Who's Who Legal 2019

Excellent ability to assess the facts.

Peers in Who's Who Legal 2019

Comes up with practical, creative solutions.

Client in Chambers Europe 2019

A good adviser and a good strategic thinker.

Client in Chambers Europe 2019

Good, pragmatic, solution-driven.

Chambers Europe 2019

On top of his game.

Client in Chambers Global 2019

Extremely nice to work with, very business-minded, responsive and available.

Client in Chambers Global 2019

Comes up with concise, pragmatic and specifically tailored advice.

Legal 500 2018

Concise and pragmatic.

Legal 500 2018

His ranking is well deserved.

Chambers Europe 2018

He does a very solid job.

Client in Chambers Europe 2018

He is a combative, curious litigator, never shy of trying things.

Client in Chambers Europe 2018

He is extremely knowledgeable and very responsive.

Client in Legal 500 2017

Sought-after litigator with noted strength in banking and white-collar crime disputes.

Chambers Global 2017

A leader in Zürich - a thoughtful man and extremely competent.

Client in Chambers Europe 2016

He's experienced, smart and organises large mandates extremely well.

Client in Chambers Europe 2016

Has a forensic approach and puts his clients at ease.

Who's Who Legal 2016

A truly standout practitioner.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2016


Client in Who's Who Legal 2016

Praised for his out-of-the-box thinking.

Legal 500 2016

Very experienced in cross-border disputes.

Legal 500 2016

Outstanding, very quick on his feet, an excellent lawyer and a great strategist.

Source in Chambers Global 2022


Andreas D. Länzlinger ist Leiter der Internal Investigations Practice Group und einer der leitenden Partner der Litigation/Arbitration Practice Group der Kanzlei. Er verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung im Führen komplexer Prozesse in den Bereichen Bank-/Finanz-, Handels-, Gesellschafts-, Vertrags- und Versicherungsrecht vor schweizerischen Gerichten wie auch in internationalen Verfahren. Er und sein Team haben diverse umfangreiche interne Untersuchungen bei globalen Unternehmungen der Finanz-, Pharma- und Baubranche geführt. Er hat eine Reihe von schweizerischen Klienten bei Gruppenklagen vor US-amerikanischen Gerichten vertreten. Während der letzten Jahre beriet und vertrat er regelmässig Schweizer Unternehmungen betreffend Compliance-Fragen und in Untersuchungen, einschliesslich in Verfahren vor US-amerikanischen Behörden (Department of Justice, SEC und FED), insbesondere in Angelegenheiten unter dem US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

SprachenDeutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • ad interim General Counsel, ABB Ltd. (2006)
  • Partner von Bär & Karrer (seit 2000)
  • Partner von Henrici, Wicki & Guggisberg (1993-1999)
  • Associate bei Henrici, Wicki & Guggisberg (1984-1992)
  • Universität Zürich: Dr. iur. (1992)
  • Associate bei Kronish, Lieb, Weiner & Hellman, New York (1987-1988)
  • Anwaltspatent Zürich (1986)
  • Universität Zürich: lic. iur. (1983)
Mitgliedschaften und Ämter
  • Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)
  • Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
ZulassungAn allen schweizerischen Gerichten

Andreas D. Länzlinger's Deals, Cases & News

Als "leading lawyer" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023

Als "leading lawyer" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023

Als "leading lawyer" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023


Andreas D. Länzlinger
T: +41 58 261 53 50

Bär & Karrer AG
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zürich

Rondelli Melissa
T: +41 58 261 54 74