
Eric Stupp

An outstanding expert for banking regulation.

Legal 500 2016

Eric Stupp is commercial, fast, approachable and clear in his legal guidance.

Chambers Global 2025

Eric Stupp is certainly a regulatory law highlight.

Chambers Global 2025

In particular, Eric Stupp is really good on cross-border issues.

Chambers Global 2025

He partners with us well to find practical solutions and support judgement calls to balance legal and regulatory risks with commercial expectations.

Chambers Europe 2025

Eric is a great strategic thinker and fosters a strong collaborative approach where the only goal is to deliver a superior legal product to the clients in pursuit of the client’s interests.

Legal 500, 2022

His ability to think strategically through complex matters, to adapt to developments and to manage often competing demands and legal regimes of different jurisdictions.

Client in Chambers Global 2022

Eric Stupp and Gadi Winter were exceptional in their proactiveness, responsiveness, guidance, drive and passion.

Client in Legal 500 2022

Recognised for his world-class corporate finance practice which focuses on capital markets regulation and enforcement proceedings.

WWL Switzerland - Capital Markets 2022

His ability to think strategically through complex matters, to adapt to developments and to manage often competing demands and legal regimes of different jurisdictions.

Client in Chambers Europe 2021

Strong commercial approach to balance cost and benefits for his clients.

Source in WWL 2021

A truly outstanding lawyer.

Legal 500 2021

Creative, tireless and wonderful to work with.

Source in WWL 2021

Has a fantastic reputation in the market.

Source in WWL 2021

Is an excellent lawyer and financial regulation statesman who is well regarded by regulators and clients alike.

Source in WWL 2021

Knowledgeable and well regarded by regulators and clients alike.

Source in WWL 2021

Fantastic reputation in the space.

Source in WWL 2021

An excellent lawyer and financial regulation statesman.

Source in WWL 2021

Sharp as a razor, cuts right to the heart of any major problem.

Client in IFLR1000 2021

Can't thank B&K team enough for their unrelenting and persistent efforts.

Client 2020

While Eric’s legal advice was always to-the-point, he went much beyond that and helped solving challenges outside of the legal sphere. Very impressed by his experience and great support.

Source in Legal 500 2020

I would gladly go into battle with any of you at any time.

Client 2020

Very impressed by his experience and great support.

Source in Legal 500 2020

Has in-depth knowledge in all relevant legal areas and a lot of experience with fintech start-ups

Source in Legal 500 2020

Advice was very professional, highly responsive and always pragmatic and to-the-point.

Source in Legal 500 2020

Eric has been a great pleasure to work with. I particularly liked the highly pragmatic approach Eric displayed throughout the funding process

Source in Legal 500 2020

Eric Stupp has demonstrated deep knowledge of the Swiss financial regulatory landscape particularly in connection with the rapidly evolving world of blockchain, distributed ledger technologies and cryptocurrencies. In addition he is able to advise across the intricacies of the different legal aspects pertaining to organisational structures.

Source in Legal 500 2020

Incredible practical sense and good judgement in dealing with cross-border matters.

Source in Chambers Global 2020

Truly first-rate and excellent.

Source in Chambers Global 2020

Highly distinguished for his expertise in handling investigations focusing on the financial sector.

Who's Who Legal Banking 2019

He is great on the regulatory side.

Who's Who Legal 2019

Brings long standing industry expertise.

Legal 500 2018

An excellent banking regulatory lawyer.

Who's Who Legal Banking 2018

His communication skills and excellent connections are named as two of the key draws for clients who come to him for advice on all aspects of banking and finance.

Chambers Europe 2013

A leading figure in the Zürich market.

Chambers Europe 2015

A regulatory expert.

Chambers Europe 2018

He makes his point very clearly and is user-friendly.

Client in Chambers Europe 2015

Has sound and solid judgement and provides commercially appropriate advice.

Client in Chambers Europe 2018

He makes the difference with his sense of how to deal with situations.

Client in Chambers Global 2017

An incredibly sharp mind.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2016

A top player in the field.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2016

Shows pragmatism and solid negotiation skills.

Legal 500 2016

An outstanding expert for banking regulation.

Legal 500 2016

Eric Stupp is commercial, fast, approachable and clear in his legal guidance.

Chambers Global 2025


Eric Stupp leitet Bär & Karrer's Financial Services Team und ist Co-Head des Tätigkeitsbereichs interne Untersuchungen und grenzüberschreitende Verfahren. Er ist spezialisiert auf die Beratung von Banken, Versicherungen, Asset Managern und anderen Finanzintermediären in regulatorischen Fragen, Enforcement-Verfahren und M&A Transaktionen.

Seit einigen Jahren berät er regelmässig Finanzinstitute und Behörden im Zusammenhang mit internen Untersuchungen. So hat er Klienten bei zahlreichen Verfahren beraten, die vom US Department of Justice, dem New York Department of Financial Services und anderen US-amerikanischen oder europäischen Behörden eröffnet wurden.

Eric Stupp hält zu diesen Themen regelmässig Vorträge an Expertenkonferenzen. Er war während acht Jahren Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats von Bär & Karrer. Er ist Vizepräsident des Verwaltungsrats der Goldman Sachs Bank AG, Zürich, und Verwaltungsratsmitglied von verschiedenen anderen Finanzinstituten und Non-Profit Organisationen.

IFLR 1000 2016 und Who's Who Legal 2015 führen Eric Stupp als einen der führenden Anwälte der Schweiz im Bereich Banking. Eric Stupp ist in der Publikation Legal 500 in der Rubrik Hall of Fame als führender Rechtsanwalt aufgeführt. Das Weizmann Institute of Science verlieh Eric Stupp im Jahre 2018 die Ehrendoktorwürde für seine beruflichen Leistungen und seine Unterstützung der wissenschaftlichen Grundlagenforschung, die im Institut getätigt wird.

SprachenDeutsch, Französisch, Englisch
  • Weizmann Institute of Science: phD honoris causa (2018)
  • Mitglied des Verwaltungsrates von Bär & Karrer AG (2007-2011)
  • Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung von Bär & Karrer (2003-2007)
  • Partner von Bär & Karrer (seit 2000)
  • University of Chicago: LL.M. (1996)
  • Associate bei Bär & Karrer (seit 1994)
  • Anwaltspatent St. Gallen (1994)
  • Journalist Trainee bei der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung (1992)
  • Auditor beim Kantonsgericht St. Gallen (1991)
  • Substitut bei einer schweizerischen Anwaltskanzlei (1990)
  • Universität St. Gallen: lic. iur. HSG (1989)
Mitgliedschaften und Ämter
  • Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)
  • Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
  • Mitglied des Fachausschusses "Recht & Compliance" der Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association (SFAMA)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Anerkannter Vertreter an der SIX Swiss Exchange
  • Mitglied Steering Committee Forum on Financial Institutions Enforcement, USA
ZulassungAn allen schweizerischen Gerichten

Eric Stupp's Deals, Cases & News

Als 'leading' bewertet

von Leaders League 2023

Als 'leading lawyer' in der Legal 500 "Hall of Fame" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023

Bewertet als Band 1 in Banking and Finance

von Chambers Europe and Chambers Global 2023

Als 'leading' bewertet

von Leaders League 2023

Als 'leading lawyer' in der Legal 500 "Hall of Fame" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023


Eric Stupp
T: +41 58 261 53 90

Bär & Karrer AG
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zürich

Gabi Lehner
T: +41 58 261 53 91
Gabriela Freiburghaus
T: +41 58 261 56 11

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