Lembo Saverio

Saverio Lembo

Mr Lembo is among the top white collar crime investigation lawyers in the space

Who's Who Legal Switzerland, Asset Recovery 2022

Saverio Lembo is known throughout Switzerland, the EU and the Americas as a go-to lawyer

Who's Who Legal 2023

He is particularly well suited to high-stakes matters representing C-suite individuals

Who's Who Legal 2023

Saverio is a very sophisticated investigations specialist

Who's Who Legal 2023

He has an excellent knowledge of the international white-collar crime market.

WWL Thought Leaders GIR 2022

Saverio is a fully committed, client-oriented lawyer who provides high-quality services and understands the exact needs of his clients.

WWL Thought Leaders GIR 2022

The best of the best, an obvious choice.

WWL Thought Leaders GIR 2022

Saverio might just be the very best investigations lawyer in Switzerland.

WWL Thought Leaders GIR 2022

Saverio Lembo is celebrated for his strong track record in advising major corporations in complex investigations and disputes

WWL Thought Leaders Global Elite 2023

One of the best.

Peers in WWL 2022

Top-notch litigator.

Peers in WWL 2022

Excellent knowledge of the international white-collar crime market.

Source in WWL 2022

A star in Geneva.

Source in WWL Asset Recovery 2022

Very knowledgeable.

Source in WWL Asset Recovery 2022

Saverio might just be the very best investigations lawyer in Switzerland.

Peers and clients in WWL Investigations 2022

The best of the best, an obvious choice.

Peers and clients in WWL Investigations 2022

Saverio is a fully committed, client-oriented lawyer who provides high-quality services and understands the exact needs of his clients.

Peers and clients in WWL 2022

He has an excellent knowledge of the international white-collar crime market.

Peers and clients in WWL 2022

Absolute star!

Source in WWL 2021

Very committed to delivering an excellent quality of work.

Client in Legal 500 2021

A highly capable and versatile litigator.

Source in WWL 2021

He's a star individual who is renowned and respected worldwide.

Client in WWL 2021

A dynamic and knowledgeable lawyer.

Source in WWL 2021

A prominent name in the Swiss market.

Source in WWL 2021

The go-to white-collar-crime lawyer in Switzerland.

Source in WWL 2021

Phenomenal worldwide reputation.

Source in WWL 2021

Immaculate reputation!

Source in WWL 2021

Prominent figure!

Source in WWL 2021

He is a "prominent figure" with an "immaculate reputation" thanks to his top-notch criminal litigation and investigation expertise.

Who's Who Legal Business Crime Defence 2020

He is singled out for his “phenomenal worldwide reputation” as “the go-to white-collar-crime lawyer in Switzerland".

Who's Who Legal Business Crime Defence 2020

One of the leading Swiss practitioners, with an extensive experience in white-collar crime.

Client in Chambers Europe 2020

Great with clients and very good in court.

Source in Chambers Europe 2020

Has a broad base of experience and a good sense for multi-jurisdictional matters.

Client in Chambers Global 2020

Fantastic and well regarded for his top-tier work representing clients before the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

Who’s Who Legal Sports & Entertainment 2020

He leads the firm's white-collar crime group, and is experienced with commercial and financial litigation proceedings.

Who’s Who Legal Litigation 2020

Is a prominent figure in the Swiss litigation space.

Who’s Who Legal Litigation 2020

His expertise lies in white-collar criminal law, where he combines his keen legal mind and excellent management skills to assist clients in cross-border investigations.

Who’s Who Legal Investiagtions 2020

Impressing peers and clients alike with 25 years experience in the field.

Who’s Who Legal Asset Recovery 2020

An absolute goto for clients seeking someone at the top of their game intellectually and tactically.

Who’s Who Legal Business Crime Defence 2020

An outstanding lawyer on an international level.

Who’s Who Legal Business Crime Defence 2020

Saverio is one of, if not the best, lawyer in his jurisdiction

Who's Who Legal Switzerland, Asset Recovery 2022

He is a specialist in complex investigatory matters

Who's Who Legal Switzerland, Asset Recovery 2022

Mr Lembo is among the top white collar crime investigation lawyers in the space

Who's Who Legal Switzerland, Asset Recovery 2022

Saverio Lembo is known throughout Switzerland, the EU and the Americas as a go-to lawyer

Who's Who Legal 2023


Saverio Lembo ist Co-Head der Praxisgruppe für Wirtschaftsstrafrecht bei Bär & Karrer.

Er verfügt über umfangreiche Erfahrung im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, in Handels- und Finanzstreitigkeiten, in der internationalen Rechtshilfe (zivil- und strafrechtlich), in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit sowie in Insolvenzfällen. In den letzten Jahren war er an einer Reihe komplexer Handelsstreitigkeiten beteiligt, hat als Parteivertreter oder Schiedsrichter in verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Handelsschiedsverfahren fungiert und Mandanten in Schweizer und ausländischen Strafverfahren unterstützt. Er vertritt regelmässig Mandanten vor dem Internationalen Sportgerichtshof (CAS).

Das Tätigkeitsfeld von Saverio Lembo umfasst ausserdem interne Untersuchungen, die Beaufsichtigung von Unternehmen, die Vollstreckung ausländischer Urteile und Schiedssprüche, pharmazeutische Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Erbrecht und Arbeitsrecht.

Seit 2022 ist Saverio Lembo Teil des Teams, das vom US-Justizministerium und der Schweizer Regierung für die Überwachung von Glencore eingesetzt wurde. Er ist Mitglied der Task Force, die kürzlich von der Schweizerischen Anwaltskammer eingesetzt wurde, um die Einführung eines Deferred Prosecution Agreement in die Schweizer Gesetzgebung vorzubereiten.

Er ist Mitautor des Kommentars zur Schweizerischen Strafprozessordnung, Verfasser zahlreicher Fachartikel in seinen Spezialgebieten und ein häufiger Referent auf Seminaren und Konferenzen.
Saverio Lembo lehrt Strafprozessrecht an der Universität Genf (Ecole d'Avocature).

Saverio Lembo wird in Tier 1 der führenden Anwälte im Bereich Wirtschaftsstrafrecht in der Schweiz von Chambers and Partners geführt. Er wurde 2020 bei den Who's Who Legal Awards als „Lawyer of the Year for Switzerland“ in den Kategorien Unternehmensstrafverteidigung und Ermittlungen ausgezeichnet sowie 2016 als „Lawyer of the Year“ in den Kategorien Strafverteidigung und Prozessführung im Raum Genf von Best Lawyers. Seit 2012 wird er von Who’s Who Legal zu den weltweit führenden Anwälten in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsstrafverteidigung, Vermögensrückführung und Handelsstreitigkeiten gezählt. Im Legal 500 wird er seit 2010 zu den führenden Einzelpersonen in der Schweiz im Bereich Streitbeilegung gelistet.

Work Highlights
  • Defense of a high profile banker in a criminal investigation led by the OAG for bribery of public agents, aggravated money laundering and forgery in relation to alleged kickbacks received by the former director of a foreign public institution.
  • Representing Sotheby's in a significative dispute between Dimitri Rybolovlev and Yves Bouvier.
  • Saverio Lembo was confirmed by the US Department of Justice and the Swiss government as member of the monitorship team.
  • Conducted a major internal investigation for a globally active, publicly traded company.
  • Successful defense of a company active in the commodities trade sector in criminal proceedings opened by the Swiss Office of the Attorney General.
  • Defense of the UBO of an international group of companies active in the commodities trade sector in criminal tax proceedings.
  • Representing a state entity targeted in a cross-border civil litigation involving cultural heritage-related measures.
  • Representing of a sport governing body as harmed party in criminal proceedings in relation to the fight against the grey ticketing market.
  • Successful defense of a foreign investment company defrauded by some of its former managers in a 10-years criminal investigation. Managers are sent to trial in spring 2020.
  • Representation of an international sport organization in bribery and criminal mismanagement investigations conducted by the Swiss Office of the Attorney General.
  • Successful representation of a sport organization as harmed party in criminal proceedings opened against its former managers; recovery of more than CHF 15 million to date.
  • Successful defense of a non-Swiss individual in criminal proceedings led by the Swiss Office of the Attorney General, including the release of CHF 10+ million in retained assets.
SprachenFranzösisch, Italienisch, Englisch, Deutsch
  • Partner von Bär & Karrer (seit 2003)
  • Associate bei Bär & Karrer (2000)
  • Secondment bei Slaughter and May, London (1997)
  • Associate bei einer schweizerischen Anwaltskanzlei (1995)
  • Anwaltspatent Genf (1995)
  • Universität Genf: lic. iur. (1992)
  • Universität Genf: lic. oec (1989)
Mitgliedschaften und Ämter
  • Mitglied des Rates der Genfer Anwaltskammer (2022)
  • Mitglied der International Academy of Financial Crime Litigators (seit 2019)
  • Regional Representative Europe of the IBA Criminal Law Committee (seit 2019)
  • Co-Chair des International Anti-Money Laundering Committee, American Bar Association SIL (seit 2017)
  • Vice-Chair des International Arbitration Committee, American Bar Association SIL (2014-2016)
  • Co-Chair des International Criminal Law Committee, American Bar Association (2012-2014)
  • Co-Chair des AIJA Human Rights Committee (2011)
  • Präsident der Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats (AIJA) (2009-2010)
  • Präsident der Commerical Fraud Commission der AIJA (2006-2008)
  • Mitglied des Vorstandes des Associazione Internazionale dei Giuristi di Lingua Italiana (AIGLI) (1998-2008)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Member of (ASA) Association Suisse de l'Arbitrage
  • Anwaltskammer Genf (OdA)
  • Association Genevoise du Droit des Affaires (AGDA)
  • Schweizerische Kriminalistische Gesellschaft
  • Mitglied des Ausschusses der Genfer Vereinigung der Junganwälte (1994-1995)
ZulassungAn allen schweizerischen Gerichten

Saverio Lembo's Deals, Cases & News

Als "Recommended" bewertet

von Who's Who Legal Switzerland 2023

Saverio Lembo is a terrific lawyer who is incredibly sharp, efficient and connected. He is also a great strategist.

Chambers Europe 2025

Saverio Lembo is one of the best in his field.

Chambers Europe 2025

Saverio Lembo's analysis of applicable white-collar criminal law standards was prompt, thorough and compelling.

Chambers Europe 2025

Saverio Lembo is a legend. He has a lot of experience and expertise in the white-collar crime space. He is tenacious and aggressive, which is what makes him a good lawyer.

Chambers Europe 2025

Als 'leading lawyer' in der Legal 500 "Hall of Fame" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023

Bewertet als Band 1 in White-Collar Crime

von Chambers Europe 2023

Als "Recommended" bewertet

von Who's Who Legal Switzerland 2023

Saverio Lembo is a terrific lawyer who is incredibly sharp, efficient and connected. He is also a great strategist.

Chambers Europe 2025


Saverio Lembo
T: +41 58 261 57 40

Bär & Karrer AG
12, quai de la Poste
CH-1211 Genf 3

Sandrine Souvannavong-Rolet
T: +41 58 261 57 45

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