Michele Bernasconi is among the very best lawyers we have worked with. We highly value his strategic legal advice.
Michele Bernasconi is undoubtedly one of the most capable and sophisticated international sports lawyers. We are fortunate to benefit from his counsel.
Michele Bernasconi is able to distil complex matters into the key, core issues and then to focus on them.
He is among the very best sports lawyers in the world.
He is extremely skilled and charismatic.
Michele knows everyone in the industry.
Michele Bernasconi is one of the most experienced sports law arbitrators.
Experienced, clever, easy-going and practical.
Michele Bernasconi is the leading CAS arbitrator.
One of the leading lawyers in the TMT field worldwide and a reference for us: smart, practical and extremely easy-going.
Michele Bernasconi is probably the most relevant and influential arbitrator at the CAS in the past 10 years.
He is a very pragmatic practitioner and has a great sense of what a good deal outcome should be.
Top football judge
Very important
One of the brightest minds in the sports law universe
Always impresses
Empathy, business orientation, smart in strategy and anticipation. I couldn’t be more satisfied in my professional relationship with him.
The best legal skills and all the other qualities a top lawyer needs to have.
One of the leading lawyers in TMT, sports and arbitration throughout the world.
Michele Bernasconi has always maintained stellar market reputation as he shows in-depth both telecom and technology and IT Expertise.
Michele Bernasconi is the key partner in the TMT sector, he is a very experienced and pragmatic lawyer who I would recommend to anyone.
Great attitude and problem-solving approach
Reliability, punctuality and knowledge of the environment. I have to point out Michele Bernasconi as an outstanding lawyer.
Michele Bernasconi is a star. He is the go-to lawyer when the stakes are highest. He is also extremely friendly and a joy to work with.
Trusting him with a case means that you will get the best possible outcome.
Absolutely one of the top people in the world on sports law.
Solution-driven and business-minded.
His greatest strengh is his ability to find the right outcome and help parties settle their differences.
Gets to the key issues immediately and delivers expert judgements every time.
The number-one lawyer for regulatory, commercial and arbitration matters.
One of the best in the world.
Is really the godfather of sports law in Switzerland.
His experience can bring the added value that is sometimes needed to solve a very complicated matter.
The best of the best.
One of the most important arbitrators at the CAS.
Number one for sports law in Switzerland.
Top of the arbitrators in sports law.
He is an experienced guy who knows his stuff.
Collaborative, supportive and a great part of our team.
Michele Bernasconi impresses market sources with his top-notch handling of media-related matters pertaining to the sports industry.
Highlighted for his extensive experience advising on regulatory and antitrust matters in the telecoms and sports sectors.
Top-class arbitrator.
One of the best CAS arbitrators ever.
An expert in international soccer.
A very important name in sports law.
He has a formidable reputation in the TMT field.
Always anticipates problems.
Has a unique background in media issues.
Clever, pragmatic and technically impeccable.
A real problem solver with excellent settlement and mediation skills.
Rare talent Michele Bernasconi is one of the best CAS arbitrators.
He is very straightforward in the research of solutions.
He is technically impeccable, proactive and brilliant in terms of strategy.
Noted for his high profile and track record in sports arbitration.
Stands out in the IT space.
A leader at the CAS and in the sports law field.
He is a leader at the CAS and in the sports law field, which is something that gives you a lot of comfort.
His "brilliant practice" encompasses doping matters and international player transfers, as well as sponsorship deals and broadcasting agreements.
Immaculate reputation as a leading arbitrator
Michele Bernasconi is among the very best lawyers we have worked with. We highly value his strategic legal advice.
Die beratende Tätigkeit von Michele Bernasconi deckt alle Aspekte des Sport-, Medien-, Energie-, Telekommunikations- und Technologierechts ab. Er berät nationale und internationale Klienten in internationalen Prozessen und Schiedsgerichtsverfahren sowie bei Transaktionen im Zusammenhang mit oben genannten Industrien.
Michele Bernasconi hat Klienten wiederholt bei Outsourcing- und Joint Venture-Projekten, bei der Übertragung und Verwertung von Fernseh- und weiteren Medienrechten sowie bei Sponsoringverträgen beraten. Er berät zudem Unternehmen in der Energiebranche sowie Sportverbände und Telekommunikationsunternehmen bei regulatorischen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Fragen sowie Sportvereine, Clubs und Athleten im Rahmen von Transfervereinbarungen und -streitigkeiten sowie bei Dopingfällen.
Michele Bernasconi hält Vorlesungen über International Sports Law an der Universität Luzern. Er hat zahlreiche Beiträge zu Themen innerhalb seiner Tätigkeitgebiete publiziert und nimmt regelmässig an Fachtagungen als Referent teil. Er ist Co-director des UEFA Football Law Programme.
Michele Bernasconi ist als führender Anwalt bei Chambers sowie bei Legal 500 in der Hall of Fame für seine exzellente Arbeit anerkannt. Legal 500 und Who's Who Legal zählen ihn seit Jahren zu den führenden Persönlichkeiten in der Schweiz im Sportrecht sowie im Technologie-, Medien- und Telekommunikationssektor. In 2018 und 2019 zeichnete Who's Who Legal Michele Bernasconi als "Sports Lawyer of the Year" sowie als "Thought Leader" für den Bereich Sportrecht aus. 2016 wurde er von Who's Who Legal als einer der neun weltweit Most Highly Regarded Individuals für den Sektor Sports & Entertainment aufgeführt. In der Ausgabe 2013 von The International Who's Who of regulatory communication lawyers war er unter den weltweit zehn Most Highly Regarded Individuals.
Wir freuen uns über die Anerkennung in Band 1 des Chambers Europe Guide für unsere Leistungen und Expertise in den Bereichen Corporate/M&A, Steuern, ...
Bär & Karrer hat ihre Position als eine der führenden Anwaltskanzleien der Schweiz erneut bestätigt und wurde in den Rankings 2024 von The Legal 500 ...
Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass Christian Kunz neben Corrado Rampini neuer Co-Leiter der Datenschutz und Digitalisierung ist. Ebenfalls leitet ...
Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass Michele Bernasconi bei den internationalen Who's Who Legal Awards 2022 erneut als “Lawyer of theYear” für seine ...
Michele Bernasconi is among the very best lawyers we have worked with. We highly value his strategic legal advice.
Michele Bernasconi is undoubtedly one of the most capable and sophisticated international sports lawyers. We are fortunate to benefit from his counsel.
Michele Bernasconi is able to distil complex matters into the key, core issues and then to focus on them.
He is among the very best sports lawyers in the world.
He is extremely skilled and charismatic.
Michele knows everyone in the industry.
Michele Bernasconi is one of the most experienced sports law arbitrators.
Experienced, clever, easy-going and practical.
Michele Bernasconi is the leading CAS arbitrator.
One of the leading lawyers in the TMT field worldwide and a reference for us: smart, practical and extremely easy-going.
Michele Bernasconi is probably the most relevant and influential arbitrator at the CAS in the past 10 years.
He is a very pragmatic practitioner and has a great sense of what a good deal outcome should be.
Top football judge
Very important
One of the brightest minds in the sports law universe
Always impresses
Empathy, business orientation, smart in strategy and anticipation. I couldn’t be more satisfied in my professional relationship with him.
The best legal skills and all the other qualities a top lawyer needs to have.
One of the leading lawyers in TMT, sports and arbitration throughout the world.
Michele Bernasconi has always maintained stellar market reputation as he shows in-depth both telecom and technology and IT Expertise.
Michele Bernasconi is the key partner in the TMT sector, he is a very experienced and pragmatic lawyer who I would recommend to anyone.
Great attitude and problem-solving approach
Reliability, punctuality and knowledge of the environment. I have to point out Michele Bernasconi as an outstanding lawyer.
Michele Bernasconi is a star. He is the go-to lawyer when the stakes are highest. He is also extremely friendly and a joy to work with.
Trusting him with a case means that you will get the best possible outcome.
Absolutely one of the top people in the world on sports law.
Solution-driven and business-minded.
His greatest strengh is his ability to find the right outcome and help parties settle their differences.
Gets to the key issues immediately and delivers expert judgements every time.
The number-one lawyer for regulatory, commercial and arbitration matters.
One of the best in the world.
Is really the godfather of sports law in Switzerland.
His experience can bring the added value that is sometimes needed to solve a very complicated matter.
The best of the best.
One of the most important arbitrators at the CAS.
Number one for sports law in Switzerland.
Top of the arbitrators in sports law.
He is an experienced guy who knows his stuff.
Collaborative, supportive and a great part of our team.
Michele Bernasconi impresses market sources with his top-notch handling of media-related matters pertaining to the sports industry.
Highlighted for his extensive experience advising on regulatory and antitrust matters in the telecoms and sports sectors.
Top-class arbitrator.
One of the best CAS arbitrators ever.
An expert in international soccer.
A very important name in sports law.
He has a formidable reputation in the TMT field.
Always anticipates problems.
Has a unique background in media issues.
Clever, pragmatic and technically impeccable.
A real problem solver with excellent settlement and mediation skills.
Rare talent Michele Bernasconi is one of the best CAS arbitrators.
He is very straightforward in the research of solutions.
He is technically impeccable, proactive and brilliant in terms of strategy.
Noted for his high profile and track record in sports arbitration.
Stands out in the IT space.
A leader at the CAS and in the sports law field.
He is a leader at the CAS and in the sports law field, which is something that gives you a lot of comfort.
His "brilliant practice" encompasses doping matters and international player transfers, as well as sponsorship deals and broadcasting agreements.
Immaculate reputation as a leading arbitrator
Michele Bernasconi is among the very best lawyers we have worked with. We highly value his strategic legal advice.
Die beratende Tätigkeit von Michele Bernasconi deckt alle Aspekte des Sport-, Medien-, Energie-, Telekommunikations- und Technologierechts ab. Er berät nationale und internationale Klienten in internationalen Prozessen und Schiedsgerichtsverfahren sowie bei Transaktionen im Zusammenhang mit oben genannten Industrien.
Michele Bernasconi hat Klienten wiederholt bei Outsourcing- und Joint Venture-Projekten, bei der Übertragung und Verwertung von Fernseh- und weiteren Medienrechten sowie bei Sponsoringverträgen beraten. Er berät zudem Unternehmen in der Energiebranche sowie Sportverbände und Telekommunikationsunternehmen bei regulatorischen und wettbewerbsrechtlichen Fragen sowie Sportvereine, Clubs und Athleten im Rahmen von Transfervereinbarungen und -streitigkeiten sowie bei Dopingfällen.
Michele Bernasconi hält Vorlesungen über International Sports Law an der Universität Luzern. Er hat zahlreiche Beiträge zu Themen innerhalb seiner Tätigkeitgebiete publiziert und nimmt regelmässig an Fachtagungen als Referent teil. Er ist Co-director des UEFA Football Law Programme.
Michele Bernasconi ist als führender Anwalt bei Chambers sowie bei Legal 500 in der Hall of Fame für seine exzellente Arbeit anerkannt. Legal 500 und Who's Who Legal zählen ihn seit Jahren zu den führenden Persönlichkeiten in der Schweiz im Sportrecht sowie im Technologie-, Medien- und Telekommunikationssektor. In 2018 und 2019 zeichnete Who's Who Legal Michele Bernasconi als "Sports Lawyer of the Year" sowie als "Thought Leader" für den Bereich Sportrecht aus. 2016 wurde er von Who's Who Legal als einer der neun weltweit Most Highly Regarded Individuals für den Sektor Sports & Entertainment aufgeführt. In der Ausgabe 2013 von The International Who's Who of regulatory communication lawyers war er unter den weltweit zehn Most Highly Regarded Individuals.
Wir freuen uns über die Anerkennung in Band 1 des Chambers Europe Guide für unsere Leistungen und Expertise in den Bereichen Corporate/M&A, Steuern, ...
Bär & Karrer hat ihre Position als eine der führenden Anwaltskanzleien der Schweiz erneut bestätigt und wurde in den Rankings 2024 von The Legal 500 ...
Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass Christian Kunz neben Corrado Rampini neuer Co-Leiter der Datenschutz und Digitalisierung ist. Ebenfalls leitet ...
Wir freuen uns, bekannt zu geben, dass Michele Bernasconi bei den internationalen Who's Who Legal Awards 2022 erneut als “Lawyer of theYear” für seine ...