
Dr. Mariel Hoch

Broad practice from healthcare to financial sectors.

Chambers Global 2017

Mariel is available and approachable and cool and calm in high-pressure negotiations. It has been a pleasure to work with her.

Client in Legal 500, 2022

Provided high-quality advice in a practical, commercial manner that takes account of the needs of her clients.

Client in Legal 500, 2022

Pragmatic, thorough, very responsive and committed.

Chambers Global 2022

Leadership, personality, business sense and legal knowhow

Source in WWL 2021

Very inspirational and reliable

Source in WWL 2021

Tough when she needs to be, but not unnecessarily so, which makes it all the more effective.

Client in IFLR1000 2021

Very commercial, with a very pleasant and constructive manner in negotiations.

Client in IFLR1000 2021

Easy to deal with and straightforward.

Client in Chambers Global 2020

Very broad legal knowledge.

Chambers Global 2019

Strong on the regulatory front.

Client in Chambers Global 2017

Broad practice from healthcare to financial sectors.

Chambers Global 2017

Mariel is available and approachable and cool and calm in high-pressure negotiations. It has been a pleasure to work with her.

Client in Legal 500, 2022

À propos de

Mariel Hoch est l'un des principaux partenaires de Bär & Karrer en matière de fusions et acquisitions et co-responsable du département Public M&A. Elle possède une grande expérience dans un large éventail de secteurs. Elle possède une vaste expérience dans un large éventail de secteurs et se concentre sur les sociétés cotées en bourse et les offres publiques d'achat. En outre, elle est spécialisée dans les litiges liés aux fusions et acquisitions et conseille les sociétés cotées en bourse sur les questions d'entreprise et de réglementation. Elle dirige des transactions complexes pour des clients industriels ainsi que pour des investisseurs en private equity. Mariel est très appréciée par ses clients sophistiqués, ses pairs et les cabinets d'avocats internationaux.

Avec Mariel Hoch, Bär & Karrer a réussi à maintenir sa position de leader sur le marché des fusions et acquisitions publiques, car elle a fait preuve de solides compétences en matière de leadership et de capacité à développer les talents au sein des sociétés cotées et de la pratique des fusions et acquisitions publiques.

LanguesAllemand, Anglais, Français, Italien
  • Member of the Foundation Board of Irene M. Staehelin Stiftung (since 2021)
  • Member of the Foundation Board of the Law & Economics Foundation (since 2020)
  • Member of the Board and member of the Audit Committee of Komax Holding AG (since 2019)
  • Member of the Board, member of the Audit and Risk Committee and member of the Compensation Committee of SIG Combibloc Group (since 2018)
  • Vice Chair of the Board and Chair of the Nomination & Compensation Committee of Comet Holding AG (in different roles since 2016)
  • Member of the Board of Adunic AG (2015-2018)
  • Member of the Board of MEXAB AG (since 2014)
  • Member of the Foundation Board of The Schörling Foundation (since 2013)
  • Partner of Bär & Karrer (since 2012)
  • Secondment to Slaughter and May, London (2008)
  • Secondment to Human Rights Watch, London (2007)
  • Associate at Bär & Karrer (since 2005)
  • Admitted to the Zurich Bar (2005)
  • Trainee at Bär & Karrer (2002-2004)
  • University of Zurich: Dr. iur. (2003)
  • Research and Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. Hans Caspar von der Crone (1999-2001)
  • University of Zurich: lic. iur. (1999)
Associations et fonctions publiques
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V.
  • Zurich Lawyers Association (ZJURV)
AdmissionTous les tribunaux suisses

Mariel Hoch's Deals, Cases & News

Ranked as 'leading' in M&A/Corporate by Leaders League

Leaders League 2019

Ranked as 'highly regarded' by IFLR 1000

IFLR 1000 2021

Ranked as 'leading' in M&A/Corporate by Leaders League

Leaders League 2019

Ranked as 'highly regarded' by IFLR 1000

IFLR 1000 2021


Mariel Hoch
P: +41 58 261 55 99

Bär & Karrer SA
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zurich

Jana Tomaschett
P: +41 58 261 52 97

Mariel Hoch's latest Speaking Engagements