
Dr. Daniel Flühmann

Daniel Flühmann is a widely recognised fintech and banking expert, who wields his "outstanding ability to comprehend complex banking matters" to provide surplus value to his clients.

Source in WWL 2022

Daniel Flühmann is a seasoned lawyer commended for his outstanding work advising banks, insurance companies and other financial services providers on regulatory and contract law matters.

Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders 2022

Daniel Flühmann is an excellent lawyer.

Legal 500 2021

Seeks to understand the client’s business objectives.

Source in WWL 2021

Daniel Flühmann is thoughtful, clever and super-dependable.

Legal 500 2021

Broad experience in all aspects of fintech business.

Source in WWL 2021

Very accessible, detailed and has profound answers.

Client in IFLR1000 2021

Daniel did a fantastic job for us advising on custody regulations for digital assets.

Interviewee in Chambers FinTech 2020

Really enthusiastic, informed, responsive and helpful.

Peer in Chambers FinTech 2020

Willing to get involved with things that could add value.

Client in IFLR 1000 2020

Detailed sector specific knowledge which is appreciated.

Client in IFLR 1000 2020

Very in-depth understanding of the new technologies.

Client in Chambers Fintech 2018

Very in-depth understanding of everything linked to blockchain and crypto.

Client in Chambers Fintech 2018

Daniel Flühmann is a widely recognised fintech and banking expert, who wields his "outstanding ability to comprehend complex banking matters" to provide surplus value to his clients.

Source in WWL 2022

Daniel Flühmann is a seasoned lawyer commended for his outstanding work advising banks, insurance companies and other financial services providers on regulatory and contract law matters.

Who's Who Legal Thought Leaders 2022

À propos de

Daniel Flühmann est spécialisé dans le droit bancaire, des assurances et des marchés financiers ainsi que dans le domaine des placements collectifs de capitaux. Il assiste des banques suisses et étrangères, des gestionnaires d'investissement, des maisons de titres ainsi que des compagnies d'assurance et d'autres prestataires de services financiers dans des questions de réglementation et de droit des contrats et dans le cadre de procédures de demande d'autorisation devant l'Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers FINMA.

Daniel Flühmann se concentre sur les fintechs, conseillant à la fois les innovateurs financiers et les acteurs établis du marché. En outre, il conseille ses clients sur des questions générales de droit des sociétés et de droit commercial, ainsi que sur des opérations de fusion et d'acquisition.

Daniel Flühmann est l'auteur de diverses publications dans ses domaines d'expertise et intervient régulièrement dans des conférences spécialisées sur des sujets liés aux services financiers.

LanguesAllemand, Anglais
  • Partner at Bär & Karrer (since 2018)
  • Associate at Bär & Karrer (2015-2017)
  • Visiting Lawyer at Sullivan & Cromwell, LLP, New York (2014-2015)
  • Associate at Bär & Karrer (2011-2014)
  • Admitted to the Zurich Bar (2011)
  • Trainee at Bär & Karrer (2009-2010)
  • University of St. Gallen: Dr. iur. (2008)
  • Bank Vontobel AG Zurich: Corporate Legal Management (2004-2009)
  • University of St. Gallen: lic. iur. (2003)
Associations et fonctions publiques
  • Recognised representative for the listing of securities at the SIX Swiss Exchange
  • Co-editor of the Basel Commentary on the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA)
  • Swiss Finance + Technology Association (SFTA)
  • International Bar Association (IBA)
  • Swiss Bar Association (SAV/FSA)
  • Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
AdmissionTous les tribunaux suisses

Daniel Flühmann's Deals, Cases & News

Classé comme 'Recommended' en Fintech

par Who's Who Legal Global Guide 2023

Reconnu comme 'leading lawyer'

par Legal 500 2023

Classé comme 'Recommended' en Fintech

par Who's Who Legal Global Guide 2023

Reconnu comme 'leading lawyer'

par Legal 500 2023


Daniel Flühmann
P: +41 58 261 56 08
M: +41 58 262 56 08

Bär & Karrer SA
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zurich

Selina Mäder
P: +41 58 261 53 77