
Daniel Bader

Perceptive, prompt and thorough in his responses.

Chambers Global 2013

Daniel Bader has very strong tax expertise in Swiss law and is very experienced. I do not think he could have done it better.

Chambers Global, 2025

Daniel Bader attracts widespread approval from sources, who herald him as "one of the prime Swiss private clients tax advisrers" who possesses "a rare ability to boil down complex issues to the essentials, and then pass the advice on in an understandable manner".

WW Thought Leaders - Private Client 2023

Daniel Bader is a top private client lawyer with deep expertise in cross-border planning.

Legal 500, 2022

Highly skilled, very experienced, excellent lawyer

Legal 500, 2022

He is technical and our discussions are always straightforward and efficient.

Client in Chambers Global 2022

He offers precise and up-to-date information.

Client in Chambers 2021


Client in Chambers Europe 2021

An extraordinary lawyer who provides excellent advice.

Legal 500 2021

Key practitioner in this area with a strong reputation as a tax specialist.

Source in WWL 2021

A top private client lawyer with deep expertise in cross-border planning.

Legal 500 2021

A deeply knowledgeable lawyer in tax and succession planning.

Legal 500 2021

His advice is rock solid and yet always straight to the point and pragmatic.

Legal 500 2021


Source in WWL 2021

Very highly recommended

Source in WWL 2021

Great practitioner

Source in WWL 2021

Daniel Bader gives clear advice that can be implemented instantly.

Source in Legal 500 2020

He is very professional, kind and ‘Swiss’ precise.

Source in Legal 500 2020

Daniel Bader is a top private client lawyer with deep expertise in cross-border planning.

Source in Legal 500 2020

Very easy to work with and responsive.

Source in Chambers Global 2020

Is celebrated as a tax specialist.

Peers in Who's Who Legal Corporate Tax 2019

He is very diligent and skilled at working with ultra high net worth clients.

Interviewee in Chambers HNW guide 2019

He is the guy to go to for tax advice on complex structures for major clients.

Source in Chambers HNW guide 2019

He is a very smart guy and very reliable and experienced.

Source in Chambers HNW guide 2019

A point of reference for private client tax in Switzerland.

Chambers HNW guide 2019

Excellent, efficient and knowledgeable.

Peers in Who's Who Legal 2019

Impressive client base.

Who's Who Legal 2019

Great lawyer.

Who's Who Legal 2019

Straight to the point.

Chambers Global 2019

A charming person to work with.

Source in Chambers HNW guide 2018

An excellent tax guy.

Chambers HNW guide 2018

An expert on the relationships with tax authorities and smart in finding the right solutions.

Chambers HNW guide 2018

An outstanding figure in the market.

Who's Who Legal Tax 2018

He understands our business and tries to do something different even if it hasn't been done before in Switzerland.

Client in Chambers Europe 2018

An excellent tax adviser.

Interviewee in Chambers Private Wealth Law 2017

He has an open and fresh mind when it comes to international tax planning.

Chambers Global 2017

Explains difficult tax issues in a simple manner that clients can easily understand.

Source in Chambers Europe 2016

He's just a pleasure to work with.

Chambers HNW guide 2016

He is very cerebral and intellectual and very good.

Chambers HNW guide 2016

He is very strong in all aspects of tax.

Chambers HNW guide 2016

The quality of his work and the content and ideas are brilliant.

Client in Chambers Europe 2016

Provides outstanding support.

Who's Who Legal 2016

Highly recommended for his adroit advice.

Who's Who Legal 2016

One of the very best in the area.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2016

An expert in handling complex and international tax matters for private clients.

Chambers Global 2016

The quality of his work and the content and ideas are brilliant.

Client in Chambers Global 2016

Lawyer of choice.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2015

He is very approachable, has a good international perspective and goes out of his way to understand the case.

Client in Chambers Global 2015

Great tactician with exceptional capabilities.

Clients in Who's Who Legal 2014

Highly recommended for his work in the field of cross-border structuring.

Who's Who Legal 2014

An outstanding tax lawyer.

Citywealth 2013

Perceptive, prompt and thorough in his responses.

Chambers Global 2013

Daniel Bader has very strong tax expertise in Swiss law and is very experienced. I do not think he could have done it better.

Chambers Global, 2025

À propos de

Daniel Bader est associé chez Bär & Karrer et codirige le département fiscal et le bureau à St. Moritz.

Fort de ses nombreuses années d'expérience dans ce domaine, il est devenu un consultant recherché par les clients suisses et internationaux qui souhaitent obtenir des conseils en matière de droit fiscal et de gestion de la fortune.

Daniel Bader est spécialisé dans une vaste palette de services fiscaux et juridiques, notamment en matière de droits de succession, de planification successorale et de conseil aux personnes fortunées sur tous les aspects de leurs activités privées et commerciales. Il apporte également son expertise dans le domaine des trusts, de la planification successorale internationale, de la structuration du patrimoine, de la planification du patrimoine privé et de la navigation dans diverses juridictions.

Il intervient fréquemment lors de conférences nationales et internationales sur la fiscalité et la gestion de la clientèle privée, et est membre du conseil d'administration de Family Offices. Daniel Bader est membre du conseil de surveillance de l'International Fiscal Association (IFA) et membre international de l'American College of Trust and Estate Counsel (ACTEC). Il est cité comme un avocat de premier plan par Chambers, Legal 500 et Citywealth. Il a été récompensé par IFC Citywealth en tant que "Lawyer of the Year – Switzerland 2025". Dans son édition 2019, le Who's Who of private client lawyers a classé Daniel Bader au premier rang des Global Elite Thought Leader EMEA. En outre, le Who's Who Legal le reconnaît comme expert dans les domaines de pratique "Clientèle privée" et "Fiscalité des entreprises".

LanguesAllemand, Anglais, Français
  • Partner of Bär & Karrer (since 2010)
  • Certified Tax Expert (2008)
  • Associate at a Swiss law firm (2008)
  • Director and tax advisor at a Swiss bank (2007)
  • Associate at a Swiss law firm (2005)
  • University of Zurich: lic. oec. (2003)
  • Research and Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. H.P. Wehrli (2000-2004)
Associations et fonctions publiques
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of the International Fiscal Association IFA
  • Member of the Executive Board of the International Fiscal Association IFA, Swiss Branch
  • International Fellow ACTEC
AdmissionNon admis au barreau

Daniel Bader's Deals, Cases & News

Classé comme 'recommended' en Private Client, Real Estate and Construction and Tax

par Legal 500 2023

Classé comme "leading" en Tax

par Leaders League 2023

Classé comme 'recommended' en Private Client, Real Estate and Construction and Tax

par Legal 500 2023

Classé comme "leading" en Tax

par Leaders League 2023


Daniel Bader
P: +41 58 261 54 32
M: +41 58 262 54 32

Bär & Karrer SA
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zurich

Bär & Karrer
Via Maistra 2
7500 St. Moritz

Francesca Kohler
P: +41 58 261 52 41
Ulla Schäfer
P: +41 58 261 54 17

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