Axpo Holding AG purchased an additional 4.6% of the shares in CKW AG from Anna Holding AG. The transaction increases Axpo Holding AG's stake in CKW AG ...
On 16 November 2022, MET Holding AG (MET Group), a Swiss based integrated European energy company, and Keppel Infrastructure Holding Pte Ltd (Keppel), ...
H2 Energy Europe AG, a Swiss pioneer in the fields of renewable energies and hydrogen technology, and Phillips 66 closed on a 50-50 joint venture to ...
In an ICC arbitration seated in Amsterdam between a Dutch and a German company regarding a dispute in the energy industry, Nadja Jaisli Kull is acting ...
UBS Clean Energy Infrastructure Switzerland 2 KmGK (CEIS 2), an investment vehicle for institutional investors, has acquired a significant minority ...
On 1 January 2018 the revised Energy Act (EnG) entered into force. The Act stipulates that the execution of the network surcharge system as well as ...
On 8 November, Swissgrid shares held by Alpiq AG and Alpiq Suisse were transferred to BKW and Sireso, a Swiss consortium. Prior to the transaction, ...
In connection with transfer of the Swiss transmission network, the Swiss Federal Electricity Commission (ElCom) ruled on the valuation method used to ...
CSA Energy Infrastructure Switzerland (an investment group of the Credit Suisse Investment Foundation) together with other institutional investors, ...