Reinert Mani

Dr. Mani Reinert

As well known for his outstanding legal writing on competition topics as he is for his work on investigations and merger filings.

Chambers Europe 2013

He is well connected with his fellow competition lawyers and is very much a person for discussion and collaboration. He doesn't compromise on the position of his clients.

He is business-minded, tries to find solutions within the law and goes to great lengths.

Chambers Europe 2025

Mani Reinert is very good; he knows the people and he is highly respected.

Chambers Europe 2025

He is a brilliant lawyer and is very responsive. He has a good feeling for what the main risks are.

Chambers Europe 2025

Mani Reinert is very good technically and understands the economic and technical sides very, very well.

Chambers Europe 2025

One of the brightest lawyers in Swiss competition law.

Chambers Europe 2022

A trusted legal advisor and excellent partner in handling complex matters.

Legal 500 2021

He takes a practical approach to things.

Client in Chambers Europe 2021


Source in Chambers Europe 2021

Very capable and smart.

Source in WWL 2021

A well-established name.

Source in WWL 2021


Source in WWL 2021

He is highly experienced in this area.

Source in WWL 2021

Mani is a highly recommended competition lawyer.

Source in WWL 2021


Interviewee in Chambers Europe 2019

Very intelligent.

Interviewee in Chambers Europe 2019

Very experienced competition lawyer.

Who's Who Legal Competition 2019

Really stands out.

Who's Who Legal Competition Law 2018

He is a brilliant guy who has had a very successful year.

Client in Chambers Europe 2018

An excellent competition lawyer.

Chambers Europe 2018

One of the best practitioners out there.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2014

A brilliant academic and lawyer.

Client in Chambers Europe 2014

A talented lawyer with broad knowledge of EU case law.

Chambers Europe 2015

An excellent lawyer - one of the top guys in the market.

Client in Chamber Europe 2015

He ensures the client receives responsive and first rate advice.

Client in Who's Who Legal 2016

A merger controls expert.

Who's Who Legal 2015

Clients are always impressed by his solutions-oriented approach.

Who's Who Legal 2015

One of the stars in the field of competition law.

Clients and peers in Chambers Europe 2013 and Who's Who Legal 2013

As well known for his outstanding legal writing on competition topics as he is for his work on investigations and merger filings.

Chambers Europe 2013

He is well connected with his fellow competition lawyers and is very much a person for discussion and collaboration. He doesn't compromise on the position of his clients.


Mani Reinert berät Kunden aus einer Vielzahl von Branchen in sämtlichen Aspekten des Kartellrechts. Er vertritt regelmässig Klienten in Zusammenschlusskontrollverfahren vor der Wettbewerbskommission und koordiniert Notifikationen in ausländischen Jurisdiktionen. Mani Reinert berät und vertritt zudem regelmässig Klienten in Verfahren vor der Wettbewerbskommission und Gerichten. Ausserdem berät er Unternehmen bei Hausdurchsuchungen, bei der Implementierung von Compliance-Programmen sowie beim Aufsetzen und Administrieren von Vertriebssystemen.

Chambers Europe nennt Mani Reinert im Band 1 der führenden Anwälte für Wettbewerb- und Kartellrecht. Mani Reinert wird als führender Anwalt in der Legal 500 Hall of Fame in der Schweiz im Bereich des Wettbewerbsrechts genannt.

SprachenDeutsch, Englisch, Französisch
  • Partner von Bär & Karrer (seit 2007)
  • Universität Zürich: Dr. iur. (2003)
  • New York University: LL.M. in Corporate Law (2002)
  • Associate bei Bär & Karrer (2000)
  • Anwaltspatent Zürich (2000)
  • Substitut bei Bär & Karrer (1997-1998)
  • Assistent von Prof. Dr. Roger Zäch (1993-1999)
Mitgliedschaften und Ämter
  • Schweizerischer Anwaltsverband (SAV)
  • Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
  • Studienvereinigung Kartellrecht e.V.
ZulassungAn allen schweizerischen Gerichten

Mani Reinert's Deals, Cases & News

Bewertet als Band 1 in Competition/Antitrust Band

von Chambers Europe 2023

Als 'leading lawyer' in der Legal 500 "Hall of Fame" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023

Bewertet als Band 1 in Competition/Antitrust Band

von Chambers Europe 2023

Als 'leading lawyer' in der Legal 500 "Hall of Fame" anerkannt

von Legal 500 2023


Mani Reinert
T: +41 58 261 52 88
M: +41 58 262 52 88

Bär & Karrer AG
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zürich

Bär & Karrer AG
Lange Gasse 47
CH-4052 Basel

Valentina Angelini
T: +41 58 261 52 37