Tim Meyer

Tim Meyer

À propos de

Tim Meyer advises and represents clients in all antitrust matters with a particular focus on merger control before the Swiss competition authority and the coordination of multijurisdictional merger control filings. He also advises clients in administrative proceedings before the Swiss Competition Commission.

LanguesAnglais, Allemand, Français
  • Associate at Bär & Karrer (2022)
  • Admitted to the St. Gallen Bar (2022)
  • Court Clerk county court Wil (2020)
  • Assistant at FernUni Schweiz "Competition law including Antitrust law" (2017-2020)
  • Research and Teaching Assistant to Prof. Dr. Marcel A. Niggli (2016-2019)
  • MLaw University of Fribourg (2016)
AdmissionTous les tribunaux suisses

Tim Meyer's Deals, Cases & News

Domaines d'activités


Tim Meyer
P: +41 58 261 52 04
M: +41 58 262 52 04

Bär & Karrer SA
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zurich

Bär & Karrer SA
Lange Gasse 47
CH-4052 Bâle

Valentina Angelini
P: +41 58 261 52 37