Legal Employee

Annsophie Luchsinger

À propos de

Annsophie Luchsinger is currently studiyng law at the University of Freiburg i.Ü. and works as a Legal Employee at Bär & Karrer.

LanguesAllemand, Anglais, Français
  • Legal Employee at Bär & Karrer (since 2025)
  • Student Trainee at Bär & Karrer (2024)
  • University of Freiburg i.Ü. (since 2022)
AdmissionNon admis au barreau

Domaine d'activité

Domaine d'activité


Annsophie Luchsinger
P: +41 58 261 52 91

Bär & Karrer SA
Brandschenkestrasse 90
CH-8002 Zurich

Schädle Jenny
P: +41 58 261 56 44