Legal Insight - 05 December 2024The New In-House Legal Privilege Legal Insight Series on the Revision of ...Dr. Claudia Götz StaehelinDr. Pascal HachemOn 1 January 2025, the revised Swiss Civil Procedure Code (CPC) will come into effect, introducing significant changes. We will be analyzing these ...
Speaking Engagement - 18 November 2024Überlegungen bei der Schiedsrichterauswahl: Kriterien, Vorgehen, ...Dr. Claudia Götz StaehelinASA Local Group Zurich/ZAV Fachgruppe Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit, Lenz & Staehelin (Brandschenkestrasse 24 CH-8027 Zurich)
Speaking Engagement - 30 October 2024How to become a good arbitrator? Nadja Jaisli KullSwiss Arbitration Association & Ukrainian Arbitration Association Webinar, Online
Speaking Engagement - 16 October 2024Novità legislative giurisprudenziali in materia di arbitrato ... Cinzia CatelliASA Local Group GASI, AIA e ArbIt, Hotel Pestalozzi, Lugano
Speaking Engagement - 15 October 2024Quicker and slicker justice in arbitration? Cinzia CatelliInternational arbitration seminar, RPC LLP, Tower Bridge House, London
Briefing - 23 September 2024A New Chapter for the Recognition of Post-Brexit English Judgments Aurélie Conrad Hari Liliya Tseytlina Nadja Jaisli Kull Cinzia CatelliDr. Pascal Hachem Matthew T. ReiterSwitzerland embraces the Hague Convention on the choice of court agreements to be in force on 1 January 2025.
Speaking Engagement - 09 September 2024Panel Moderation: "A Morning Coffee Debate: Will Diversity Kill the ... Nadja Jaisli KullDIS Autumn Conference 2024, Berlin
Speaking Engagement - 22 August 2024Supply Chain DisputesDr. Claudia Götz Staehelin Nadja Jaisli KullDr. Djamila BatacheLife Sciences Disputes Series Event, Zurich
Publication - 14 August 2024Chronique de la jurisprudence rendue par le Tribunal fédéral en droit pénal ...Prof. Dr. Andrew M. GarbarskiAlain MacalusoHonor FelisbertoRechtsprechungspanorama/Panorama de la jurisprudence
Speaking Engagement - 26 June 2024Panelist - Improving efficiency: document production and case management Nadja Jaisli KullGAR Live Istanbul 2024
Speaking Engagement - 25 June 2024Meet the ArbitratorDr. Cesare JerminiASA Users Council, Online Session
Speaking Engagement - 16 May 2024Moderation Workshop Nadja Jaisli Kull5th Global Conference of the Co-Chairs' Circle / DIS40, Frankfurt