20 October 2024 I Publication

Responsabilité pénale de l'entreprise : la personne physique victime collatérale

Heimgartner/Thormann/Zufferey (édit.), Tempus fugit, Mélanges pour les 20 ans du Tribunal pénal fédéral, Bâle 2024, pp. 361 ss Book chapter

Since 2003, Art. 102 of the Swiss Criminal Code has in theory made it possible to prosecute and convict a company for felonies and misdemeanors committed within a company in the course of its business activities. In practice, however, there are few corporate criminal convictions. This contribution is an opportunity to analyze the case law on corporate criminal liability, and to consider in particular the severity of the current system in relation to individuals, and its unpredictability in relation to corporate entities.