Speaking Engagement - 23 March 2025Tracing Assets Around the World Aurélie Conrad HariOffshore dispute week, Grand Caymans
Speaking Engagement - 27 January 2025The Zurich International Commercial Court and the use of English in ... Aurélie Conrad HariSAV Anwältinnenkongress, Bern
Speaking Engagement - 27 January 2025Generation X auf der Bühne: «Unsere Sicht, unsere Fragen, unser Commitment» Aurélie Conrad HariSAV Anwältinnenkongress
Speaking Engagement - 21 August 2024A Jurisdictional Tour & Cross Border Planning - Global Mobility Aurélie Conrad HariTL4 and ContrA - Private client summer school, the ultimate insider's guide, Downing College - Cambridge
Speaking Engagement - 24 April 2024Panel d'avocates Aurélie Conrad HariLa place des femmes dans le monde juridique, les obstacles auxquels elles sont confrontées et les défis à venir
Speaking Engagement - 03 March 2024Navigating the private client world in turbulent times Aurélie Conrad Hari29th Annual International Private Client Tax Conference, London
Speaking Engagement - 04 February 2024"Heirship Rights" today - more or less a recipe for litigation Aurélie Conrad HariTrust & Estates Litigation Forum, Marrakech
Speaking Engagement - 28 November 2023The impact of good faith on arbitral jurisdiction: navigating the twilight ... Aurélie Conrad Hari43rd ICC Institute of World Business Law, Paris, 28 november 2023
Speaking Engagement - 09 November 2023La banque en ligne face aux tribunaux Aurélie Conrad HariDroit et économie numérique, Université de Lausanne, 9 Novembre 2023
Speaking Engagement - 23 March 2023Mesures provisionnelles et superprovisionnelles selon le CPC Aurélie Conrad HariODAGE, FER - Geneva
Speaking Engagement - 07 March 2023Litiges commerciaux et secret professionnel des juristes d'entreprise Aurélie Conrad HariODAGE, FER - Geneva
Speaking Engagement - 09 December 2022Trusts and access to justice in light of family and operational diversity Aurélie Conrad HariSTEP Contentious Trusts and Estates Spotlight